"The creative adult is the child who has survived."
- Ursula K. Le Guin

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Lil' Devils

 Little drawings that I did for our local American legion. :)


Please do not use or steal, if you would like to share, please link back.
(c) Lara Geltz 2013

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Alligator Sketches

These are some ideas for a Children's book that I will be illustrating for a friend. It will have lots of animals in it! So fun!

Fave this on Deviantart!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

So I have a Children's Book...

This last semester, as a few of you know, I took a class about the creation and publication of a children's book. Now, we weren't asked to finish it, but I figured I would.

Children's books are generally around 32 pages, mine is a smaller version (12 pages), since I just wanted it as a finished product and possibly to show it off to publishers. I am pretty happy that I finished it, and my instructor mentioned that I was ready to start creating children's books (pretty exciting huh?)!

Anyway, the exciting part is that I digitally put it together myself, and it is ready to buy! I bought one and fixed any of the problems that I saw and I was really surprised with the quality! :)

Here is the link if anyone is interested: Click here :)

Monday, July 1, 2013

Fruits of Summer

A fun little doodle I did because I needed a brain break.

Please do not use or steal, if you would like to share, please link back. :)
(c) Lara Geltz

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Gretta the Gardenting Rhino

While Gretta wallows in the dirt and mud, she usually ends up gardening as well.

Watercolor on sketch paper + photoshop.

Please do not use or steal, you can share if you link back though.
(c) Lara Geltz

The art from the last week of school.

I never posted the last two or so assignments it seems! Well here they are for your enjoyment. :)

The Przewalski Horse aka, the wild Mongolian Horse. It was a fun one, by far the easiest for me to paint.

I'm back!

I was gone for a couple weeks due to family happenings (college graduations and family reunions). But I'm back and I desire to upload some more art and catch up. :)

Here is my Pig Buffalo creature..

I wasn't sure what I was thinking when I made this. I didn't use any references, just the knowledge I had from my past classes. It was done in the car while on my 2,400 mile road trip across a couple states, so don't ask! XD

Fave this on Deviantart!

This turned out completely different from how it started. I used masking fluid and then painted over it with watercolor, I then finished it in photoshop.

Kinda pretty, kinda dreamy. I'm usually not so girly, but sometimes I need it. 

 Fave this on DeviantArt!

Please do not use or steal, you can share if you link back, however.
(c) Lara Geltz 2013