"The creative adult is the child who has survived."
- Ursula K. Le Guin

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Canadian Lynx

A painting for class my Wildlife  Illustration class.
He can't even see the snowshoe hare behind him. I think it's pretty funny. :3
(c) Lara Geltz

Candadian Lynx Ren Faire Dancer

Lyra the Lynx loves to go to Renaissance Faire's! She loves the old world feeling and people there. Her favorite thing to do is dance and perform for people, sometimes she fire raves when the faires are held during the night.

My Canadian Lynx character. Their paws are in fact that large, they work well in winter - kind of like snow shoes.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

George the Go-all-out Gecko

My gecko window washer (with a mustache, lol).

Even though he might occasionally lick the glass, satisfaction is guaranteed!

..And my painting. :)